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    Culture eats strategy for breakfast!

    Those of you who know me will back up that I am a stickler for sound strategic planning for any organisation. I believe that for an organisation to be successful there should be a clear vision, several key result areas, KPI's and an action plan to pull it all together and make it happen.

    But I recently heard 'culture eats strategy for breakfast', and it stopped me in my tracks. It simply means that the best plans will come unstuck if there is not a strong, positive culture to support them. I think many of us over emphasise the need for strategy and take our eye off the culture ball. Both are essential but time spent planning will be a waste if we don't spend time on the people stuff.

    Whose responsibility is it to create a strong positive culture? No prizes for guessing - the leader! The leader has the responsibility to create an environment where people are happy, get on well with each other, are fully engaged and want to follow. Balance your future planning efforts by joining the culture club.



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    February 9, 2017 | Unregistered Commenterdinesh
    July 23, 2017 | Unregistered Commenterrana

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