tips on failing - fail fast and fail forward

No one wants to fail, but we know that we will. The only way to not fail is to not do anything, and that's not an option, particularly for leaders.
So, if we know we are going to fail at some stage, why not do it in the best ways possible?
Tip 1: Fail Fast. If something is going wrong, best you know about it asap. Once you know that whatever you are doing is not going to work, you can either stop it or take actions to remedy the situation. This means that we need to closely monitor what we do and be decisive.
Tip 2: Fail Forward. You tried something, it didn't work. You ask questions about why it didn't work, what went wrong and what we would do better next time. Put simply, we must learn from mistakes, then move forward. Fail forward in fact.
Don't be afraid of failing. It takes courage to be a leader.
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