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    Be The Change That You Want To See In Others

    Leading, amongst other things is about influence and change. A common source of frustration for many leaders, managers and supervisors is their inability to get others to change. Before you ask others to change, you must be prepared to do something ... to be the change you want to see in others.

    I was fortunate in the last couple of years to spend some time in India. In Mumbai I visited Gandhi's house which is now a humble museum dedicated to his life and run by volunteers. I was reminded about the incredible influence he had on others and about the monumental changes he achieved, all while advocating non-violence and peaceful ways.

    "You must be the change you wish to see in the world" is a famous Gandhi quote. I twist it just a little bit when talking to frustrated leaders who don't seem to be able to get their people to change the way they want them to. It sometimes elicits a strong reaction along the lines of, "I'm fine, it's them who need to change".

    If you are a leader who wants to influence others, showing them that you are also prepared to change can make a huge difference.

    Are you prepared to change?

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