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    The Difference Between a Boss And a Leader

    Boss, manager, leader, supervisor - they all mean the same right?

    You might call me pedantic, but thinking they're just words for the same thing is a big part of the problem. I came across this image* recently and it stopped me in my tracks because it absolutely nails it for me.

    Look at Boss. They've made it and they're happy. Dancing, congratulating them on succeeding. Awesome. Look where Boss' people are though. Still struggling to make it. Oops, some won't make it. No matter, Boss has and that's all that matters, right?

    By contrast, look at Leader. Hasn't made it yet. In fact, Leader seems more concerned with helping others than individual success. My guess is that when Leader eventually does make it, she will be surrounded by her people, all of them, and together they can say "We did it".

    Where is your focus? Individual honors or collective success?

    What difference are you making to your people?

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    Anti Revoke Android

    April 14, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterJulie Watson

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