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    « Things are never as good or as bad as they first seem | Main | Need to light a fire under someone? »

    Pssst... someone's watching you.

    In fact, if you're a manager or leader, it's likely that everyone is watching you. Every day. Every decision. Every conversation. Watching and judging.

    You see, just like an elite sportsperson who, by nature of their profile is in the spotlight of the media, a leader is a role model for behaviour in his or her organisation, like it or not. You set the standard for behaviour - good and bad. If you lose your cool, behave unethically, or by contrast demonstrate true leadership, people are observing and learning.  The tone of an organisation's culture is largely set by the actions of it leaders.

    It's a heavy responsibility but one that every leader should be aware of. For some of us, it's why we love to lead, but if we are either new to leadership or struggling to rise to the challenges of leading, it can be daunting knowing that you are on stage,  24/7. How's your performance?



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