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    Things are never as good or as bad as they first seem

    This is not a glass half full / half empty issue as you might think. It's just a reminder that leaders need to keep perspective in good times and in bad.
    In good times - when we've had a major success or things go exactly to plan, it's good to celebrate and acknowledge work well done. We shouldn't let short term success go to our head and then become complacent.

    When we've had a serious setback or things are looking bleak, it's no time to over react, throw in the towel or become overwhelmed and negative.

    Leaders need to maintain their composure and their confidence no matter what the prevailing conditions. We need to be calm, composed and balanced.  So, whether you're riding out a storm, or making hay while the sun shines, just know that it's not going to last forever and get ready for whatever is coming next. 



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    • Response
      Definitely, we shouldn't rely on the short-term success. Instead we can go ahead & make this as a ladder to move on & turn this into a permanent success. Considering a success, this should be within a limit.
    • Response
      Obviously, unless you go and experience the thing first- you can never estimate or guess how bad or good it is. People will always comment and give their opinion, but the reality is that everyone will have their own experience, whether good or bad.

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