"So, Greg - Mr Leadership Guy, what can we all learn from the next LEADER of the free world?"
I have been dreading writing this blog. I almost wimped out. I am sweating and uncomfortable as I sit writing it. I don't have any clear thoughts or lessons or objectives for this blog. I am confused, unsure, nervous. But how could I not try to make sense of something this monumental?
Leaders are supposed to tell the truth, but ...?
Leaders are supposed to lift others up, but ...?
Leaders are supposed to give us hope, but ...?
Leaders are supposed to build confidence, but ...?
Leaders are supposed to be accountable, but ...?
Leaders don't just do whatever it takes to win, but ...?
I am clueless to explain what happened, why it happened or what will happen next.
What I do know for sure is that there is a greater need than ever before for us to strive to do the right thing, and the honest thing. To care for our people. To lift them up. To bring people together.
While the US Presidential election was all about the numbers, I am reminded of this quote by Mother Teresa.
"Never worry about the numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you."
Don't worry about the free world. Worry about what you can do for those just outside your door.
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