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    Entries in grateful (1)



    I strongly believe that our lives are better when we are more aware of those things in our life that we should be grateful for. In a busy, sometimes stressful world, a great way to do this is simple exercise where we list the positives in our lives followed by a short 'why'.

    There are no hard and fast rules, but here is a format that works for me and the people I work with. Take a clean sheet of paper (or screen), write in the middle in a circle 'What I am grateful for'. Simple fill the page in other circles with the things that you appreciate in your life. For example ...

    'What I am grateful for'

    • My family. Why? They love me and I love them.
    • My partner / wife / husband. Why? If we are lucky, they are our best friend and someone to share our life with.
    • My health. Why? Without it I can't be there for my family and live a full life.
    • My work. Why? It allows me to fulfill my life's purpose.
    • My friends. Why? They add value to my life and I add value to theirs.
    • Where I live. Why? It allows me to live the life I want to live.
    • The ability to make decisions about what kind of a life I have.

    By the way, the exercise isn't over until you have done two more things.

    • Expressed thanks for each of the things that you are grateful for. Eg, tell you family you love them.
    • Identified what you need to change to have a better situation in some areas of your life.

    This time of the year is a great time to reflect and take an hour to complete the exercise.